JATrader : SMI vantage trend is not bullish, hard to move although BTC up. just my view.
bullrider_21 OP JATrader : I disagree. SMI rose from 0.025 to 0.065 with BTC. It has a good volume. But it tends to overshoot and undershoot.
JATrader bullrider_21 OP : u bought?
bullrider_21 OP JATrader : Yes. I believe BTC will continue to rise.
JATrader bullrider_21 OP : ok all the best
bullrider_21 OP JATrader : Thank you.
JATrader : today drop guess if good next week will rebound to 49
bullrider_21 OP JATrader : Yes. But it may fall to support around 0.041 first.
JATrader : Good can gain from daily shorts
JATrader : SMI vantage trend is not bullish, hard to move although BTC up. just my view.
bullrider_21 OP JATrader : I disagree. SMI rose from 0.025 to 0.065 with BTC. It has a good volume. But it tends to overshoot and undershoot.
JATrader bullrider_21 OP : u bought?
bullrider_21 OP JATrader : Yes. I believe BTC will continue to rise.
JATrader bullrider_21 OP : ok all the best
bullrider_21 OP JATrader : Thank you.
JATrader : today drop guess if good next week will rebound to 49
bullrider_21 OP JATrader : Yes. But it may fall to support around 0.041 first.
JATrader : Good can gain from daily shorts