匿名庄家 : 96000 cannot pass, empty!
Legendary Figures 匿名庄家 : Fake, can't afford it.
匿名庄家 Legendary Figures : Affirmative below.
Legendary Figures 匿名庄家 : Do you want to go down to 91k?
Master ms : Regarding short selling
105486216 : Sceptical of bitcoin
匿名庄家 : 96000 cannot pass, empty!
Legendary Figures 匿名庄家 : Fake, can't afford it.
匿名庄家 Legendary Figures : Affirmative below.
Legendary Figures 匿名庄家 : Do you want to go down to 91k?
Master ms : Regarding short selling
105486216 : Sceptical of bitcoin