HMS Victorious : Less chance of recession
102566976 OP HMS Victorious : true that but there's way more jobs added than forecasted, like x2. hmmm..
RiskGame : Better odds of a soft landing. Steady economic growth with low inflation is best for mkts
102776076 : Remember, the opposite is now true. Now as long as 11 doesn't cut interest rates or 25 interest rates will benefit US stocks
102776076 : The decrease in unemployment now is bullish.
102776076 : Remember everyone is competing for liquidity, the market will not be bad in these two months. It's difficult for BTC to fall below 600, so be bold in these two months, with fluctuations between 600-700.
102776076 : I'm already at 600 stocked
102566976 OP 102776076 : don't get me wrong, I would love for bitcoin to rise. the market confuses me sometimes, that's all
Phuk Yu : the government is lying about the numbers.
102566976 OP Phuk Yu : US? doubt it. there's too many eyes on the books
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HMS Victorious : Less chance of recession
102566976 OP HMS Victorious : true that but there's way more jobs added than forecasted, like x2. hmmm..
RiskGame : Better odds of a soft landing. Steady economic growth with low inflation is best for mkts
102776076 : Remember, the opposite is now true. Now as long as 11 doesn't cut interest rates or 25 interest rates will benefit US stocks
102776076 : The decrease in unemployment now is bullish.
102776076 : Remember everyone is competing for liquidity, the market will not be bad in these two months. It's difficult for BTC to fall below 600, so be bold in these two months, with fluctuations between 600-700.
102776076 : I'm already at 600 stocked
102566976 OP 102776076 : don't get me wrong, I would love for bitcoin to rise. the market confuses me sometimes, that's all
Phuk Yu : the government is lying about the numbers.
102566976 OP Phuk Yu : US? doubt it. there's too many eyes on the books
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