I don't understand... why all the spamming? ar this point we all know bitcoin is not worth anything and we are just waiting for Trump to say something (because he won't actually DO anything) for bitcoin to go up. we all bought the rumor and are waiting to sell the news.
Im just not understanding the point. I appreciate the commentary and can totally get behind fucking with others that deserve it. sorry if I offend you.
The US dollar bills are also worthless, understanding the basic properties that can become MMF, you will understand why Bitcoin will eventually be fully accepted.
2xTrader : how about 105k to 110k
TheMantis OP 2xTrader : in due time
2xTrader TheMantis OP : I like to see that number within this month :))
TheMantis OP 2xTrader : February is my guess... time will tell... it's definitely heating up.
M420 : I don't understand... why all the spamming? ar this point we all know bitcoin is not worth anything and we are just waiting for Trump to say something (because he won't actually DO anything) for bitcoin to go up. we all bought the rumor and are waiting to sell the news.
TheMantis OP M420 : I haven't bought a thing. I don't play with crypto. I'm here to bust EZ's b*lls and prove him wrong as usual. is that ok with you?
M420 TheMantis OP : Im just not understanding the point. I appreciate the commentary and can totally get behind fucking with others that deserve it. sorry if I offend you.
一位新手 M420 : The US dollar bills are also worthless, understanding the basic properties that can become MMF, you will understand why Bitcoin will eventually be fully accepted.
一位新手 : What does EZ actually mean? What kind of team is it?