beh-lek-gold : rarely, such news will affect the stock price in a great way
Warren Liaw OP beh-lek-gold : lets hope ya
beh-lek-gold Warren Liaw OP :
102180832 : So who the cfo during luong compaint? The complaint was lodged in 2022 . So between 2020 and 2022 what has trabspires ? This is also not the time if astronomical profit . Revenue even overstated is not that high .
beh-lek-gold : rarely, such news will affect the stock price in a great way
Warren Liaw OP beh-lek-gold : lets hope ya
beh-lek-gold Warren Liaw OP :
102180832 : So who the cfo during luong compaint? The complaint was lodged in 2022 . So between 2020 and 2022 what has trabspires ? This is also not the time if astronomical profit . Revenue even overstated is not that high .