Stock_Drift : We got gas, let’s burn it!! $United States Natural Gas (UNG.US)$
iamiam OP Stock_Drift : I wanted to put natgas companies and cannabis but didn't want to make it too long there are a lot of bottoms in commodities
Stock_Drift iamiam OP : Yeah. I try to stay away from commodity stocks but have traded them. $Tilray Brands (TLRY.US)$ has been a good day and swing trade.
I Am 102927471 :
Stock_Drift : We got gas, let’s burn it!! $United States Natural Gas (UNG.US)$
iamiam OP Stock_Drift : I wanted to put natgas companies and cannabis but didn't want to make it too long
there are a lot of bottoms in commodities 
Stock_Drift iamiam OP : Yeah. I try to stay away from commodity stocks but have traded them. $Tilray Brands (TLRY.US)$ has been a good day and swing trade.
I Am 102927471 :