I got scammed by Steve Turnbull...I should have known just by looking at that name....anyways I have 143,500 shares.....I know I will make has to go up
And all of us were thrown out of the group yesterday....I can't believe that the scammer was so good....or rather I was so stupid
Person1 : New scam ?
Billionairethisyear OP Person1 : I got scammed by Steve Turnbull...I should have known just by looking at that name....anyways I have 143,500 shares.....I know I will make has to go up
Billionairethisyear OP Billionairethisyear OP : And all of us were thrown out of the group yesterday....I can't believe that the scammer was so good....or rather I was so stupid
Billionairethisyear OP Person1 : Come to think of is 9/11
73633295 : I am a part of a group of about 50 other ppl who are holding as well.
You can contact Joe at seven seven three nine one nine seven zero six zero.
Person1 : What to think is big question in front of me.
Billionairethisyear OP 73633295 : Thank you.
Is that a US #?
73633295 : yes please join we are all in this together. no scammers
73633295 Person1 : pls join, you wont regret.
Person1 : What?
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