Since everything about scammers is fake, I think the photo can belong to someone else too. Profile fake, photo fake. I am also suspecting that these scammers can also be members of legitimate groups and copying those good comments and passing as their own. Thus, making a false appearance that they give good advice.
it looks like most of us here have been scammed. The scammed use different names, numbers and photos. I tried commenting on a fb sponsored advert about a scammed but fb treathen to block my account.
73370542 :
Market Sniper : someone pls look for this guy. I need more signal and news
71421382 : He used this number as well, I ran a search and came up with over 12 numbers.
72878007 :
71207855 : I will try to locate and get in
Lorenzo99 : I would love to find this fucker
AssetEagle : Since everything about scammers is fake, I think the photo can belong to someone else too. Profile fake, photo fake. I am also suspecting that these scammers can also be members of legitimate groups and copying those good comments and passing as their own. Thus, making a false appearance that they give good advice.
porsh : it looks like most of us here have been scammed. The scammed use different names, numbers and photos. I tried commenting on a fb sponsored advert about a scammed but fb treathen to block my account.
71289923 : this is David Schuster one of scammer on what's app group.
Smokey707 Lorenzo99 : I’m working on something for that