There was an acquisition but I believe it was funded by all retail investors like ourselves through scammers that were hired by the company to gain capital for the company! Wrong on so many levels. I don’t even know how this is legal
I asked another group about 1069 although they only did US stocks and I was told to sell whatever I had left because the company was going to file for bankruptcy after they started trading again. I didn't believe them and now most of my money is gone. F...ing scammers!!!
We already lost 94%, we should risk the remaining 6%, in hope to recover our money. I am planning another $1000 injection to reduce my average purchase price. I have invested 20k at 1.61
AGeezy : what does that mean for the company? no acquisition or bankruptcy?
KTSC OP AGeezy : There was an acquisition but I believe it was funded by all retail investors like ourselves through scammers that were hired by the company to gain capital for the company! Wrong on so many levels. I don’t even know how this is legal
71421382 : Think I’m gonna cut my losses and cash out, market did not open yet and it’s dropping already
KTSC OP : Very smart in my opinion. I cut my loses last night. Should have the night before but hind sight is always 20/20
Toronun23 : I asked another group about 1069 although they only did US stocks and I was told to sell whatever I had left because the company was going to file for bankruptcy after they started trading again. I didn't believe them and now most of my money is gone. F...ing scammers!!!
niamat 71421382 : We already lost 94%, we should risk the remaining 6%, in hope to recover our money. I am planning another $1000 injection to reduce my average purchase price. I have invested 20k at 1.61
KTSC OP niamat : Not wise! That would be more money down the
!! do not throw away more of your hard earned money into this!
Naive_Boy Toronun23 : Another group?