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BrandonW is a Paid program 🤡

It is painfully clear our beloved writer here, whose words have graced these pages for far too long, may have a not so slight bias despite how subtle but overwhelming plain it is towards Nvidia in the AMD vs Nvidia debate. Now, I don't mean to throw shade but the propaganda is far to obvious, but our writer has been clear in favoring Nvidia given the past posts, despite AMD's impressive price-to-performance ratio. Let's take a moment to consider the facts. In the past years, AMD has made significant strides in closing the performance gap with Nvidia, particularly in the realm of gaming. The AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX, for example, offers a compelling alternative to Nvidia's offerings, with a price tag that is almost $1000 cheaper. That's a lot of money that could be spent on more important things, which is about everything else that the GPU actually needs to function. Let’s stop with the no longer relevant capitalism mindset of “Expensive is better”. As consumers we need to wake the heck up.
But our writer, in their infinite wisdom, seems to have overlooked this crucial aspect. Instead, they have chosen to focus on Nvidia's strengths, which, while impressive, are not the only factors to consider when making a decision on which GPU to purchase. After all, we all know that the true measure of a GPU's worth is how many frames per second it can deliver while playing Cyberpunk 2077 on ultra settings 🤣🤣🤣 like really. In conclusion, I urge our too green hulk of a writer to take a step back and reevaluate their stance on the AMD vs Nvidia debate. While Nvidia has undoubtedly earned its place in the pantheon of GPU manufacturers, it is important to give credit where credit is due and acknowledge the strides that AMD has made in recent years. Only then can we truly claim to be unbiased and objective in our analysis of the GPU market. Despite all the live benchmarks that’s been uploaded this writer says “AMD Ryzen 7 8700G is ideal for those who don't want or cannot afford a dedicated GPU… This CPU is not perfect, however.” what a 🤡 Stop peddling your 💩 paid programming bro
Yours truly,
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    just trying to figure it out