SPACELIGHT : I had the same crystal ball reading. Coincidence or not?
Georgi P : Which way
RIPPER OP Georgi P : That’s the golden question……haha All depends on Fed bs tomorrow
Georgi P : That’s for sure .. tomorrow at 8:30am cpi and Friday ppiBetter be going higher soon, have way too many $YieldMax TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF (TSLY.US)$
埃隆马✅ Georgi P : Are you sure cpi will be fine. Bakumei TSLA 200
RIPPER OP Georgi P : Yea its not the best feeling
SPACELIGHT : I had the same crystal ball reading. Coincidence or not?
Georgi P : Which way
RIPPER OP Georgi P : That’s the golden question……haha
All depends on Fed bs tomorrow
Georgi P : That’s for sure .. tomorrow at 8:30am cpi and Friday ppi

Better be going higher soon, have way too many $YieldMax TSLA Option Income Strategy ETF (TSLY.US)$
埃隆马✅ Georgi P : Are you sure cpi will be fine. Bakumei TSLA 200
RIPPER OP Georgi P : Yea its not the best feeling