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Breakthroughs in superconducting quantum computing, WiMi helps the industry take off

Breakthroughs in superconducting quantum computing, WiMi helps the industry take off
A dilution cooler is one of the key core equipments of superconducting quantum computers, which can provide a very low-temperature operating environment close to absolute zero for quantum computers. In addition to the field of quantum computing, the dilution chiller is widely used in condensed matter physics, materials science, deep space exploration and other frontier technology fields.
Breakthroughs in superconducting quantum computing, WiMi helps the industry take off
Helping quantum science and technology into the “fast lane”
At present, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Jinan and many other cities, followed by several cities have been proposed to build the future of industrial pilot zone goals. For example, Anhui, as China’s early layout of the quantum computing industry in the province, proposed that by 2027, the construction of about 10 provincial-level future industrial pilot zones.
According to the news, on June 11, in Wuhan, Hubei, the first quantum industry fund – Wuhan Optics Valley Core Light Quantum Technology Investment Fund was officially released. The fund focuses on early and mid-term projects in laboratories such as the Wuhan Institute of Quantum Technology, including fields such as quantum communications and quantum precision measurement, and also covers projects in emerging industries such as compound semiconductors and artificial intelligence.
The industrialization of quantum computing in China continues to usher in landmark landing cases and achieve remarkable results. This means that it is of great significance to clarify the direction of industrial development and key areas, and systematically promote quantum science and technology.
According to the quantum communication industry analysis report released by Morgan Stanley, the global quantum communication market size will grow at a CAGR of 50% from 2020 to 2030, reaching $21 billion in 2030. According to ICV data, the total market size of the quantum computing industry is expected to reach US$811.7 billion by 2035, benefiting from the technological advancement of general-purpose quantum computers and the wide application of specialized quantum computers in specific fields.
Breakthroughs in superconducting quantum computing, WiMi helps the industry take off
$WiMi Hologram Cloud (WIMI.US)$ Leads Industrial Innovation by Clustering Chains into Momentum
It is worth mentioning that in recent years, WiMi Hologram Clud Inc. (NASDAQ: WIMI), a listed company, has also been actively laying out quantum technology, joining hands with MicroAlgo to jointly create a micro-consciousness quantum scientific research centre to build a core gathering place for the quantum information industry. At present, WiMi strengthens the forward-looking layout for the new generation of science and technology industries such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence, communications, LiDAR, imaging and display, and plays a disruptive role in many fields, which will provide strong support for the development of the new generation of science and technology industries and quantum science and technology.
Specifically, under the globalization vision, the Microconscious Quantum Science Research Center builds a bridge connecting basic science and applied technology, closely linking the profound theoretical research of basic science and the vast practice of applied technology. It not only focuses on quantum basic science research, but also promotes the birth of a series of disruptive technologies in practice, and actively promotes the transformation of quantum science and technology research results into practical applications, leading the way to the future era where artificial intelligence and quantum science go hand in hand.
With the drive of quantum science and technology, computing, finance and other fields are also breeding different disruptive technologies. WiMi is not only about quantum science and technology but also gaining momentum in brain-computer interfaces, humanoid robots and other future industries. In the future, WiMi will continue to serve the construction of quantum science and technology, make it its future source of technological innovation, innovation results into a test site landing, join hands with more partners to develop innovative applications, drive the rapid development of the quantum industry, so that the digital economy industry, “a hundred flowers bloom”, with the innovation of industrial clusters, internationalization of demonstration Highland.
For the future trend of technology and industry evolution, the quantum industry will play a more important role in cultivating new quality productivity. In the field of quantum science and technology, China has a quantum science and technology industry chain foundation from applied basic research, system integration, network construction, and operation services to standardization, forming a better quantum science and technology R&D advantage and quantum industry development potential. Therefore, relevant enterprises vigorously promote the development of quantum science and technology and strive to seize the first opportunity in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, which is expected to realize the mutual traction of basic research and applied research, and jointly promote the long-term development of quantum industry.
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