103438840 : How much did you buy?
103438840 : Pre-market trading volume is low
103418538 : same
一时想您 : Sell at a high stock price, buy at a low stock price
笑着玩 OP 一时想您 : No money to buy, a stock price of 57 will rise by 80.
Pink Candle(Farahan) : too bad.. why chasing so high
笑着玩 OP Pink Candle(Farahan) : 以为会涨
103438840 : How much did you buy?
103438840 : Pre-market trading volume is low
103418538 : same
一时想您 : Sell at a high stock price, buy at a low stock price
笑着玩 OP 一时想您 : No money to buy, a stock price of 57 will rise by 80.
Pink Candle(Farahan) : too bad.. why chasing so high
笑着玩 OP Pink Candle(Farahan) : 以为会涨