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NVIDIA's market value surpasses $3T: Is there a new trend in AI stocks?
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$Broadcom (AVGO.US)$$Advanced Micro Devices (AMD.US)$$Apple ...

When comparing Nvidia, Apple, AMD, and Broadcom for their potential over the next year, we should consider the following factors:
Financial Performance
Revenue Growth Rate
Free Cash Flow
Market Position and Trends
Industry Leadership
Product Demand
Competitive Landscape
Valuation Metrics:P/E Ratio P/B Ratio P/S Ratio
(NVDA)Nvidia has shown significant revenue growth of 122.4% as of Q2 20241, indicating strong business expansion.The company's free cash flow stands at $3.19 billion, suggesting financial health and the ability to invest in growth opportunities.Nvidia's EPS is $0.681, which, combined with its revenue growth, implies a strong profitability trend.
Nvidia's valuation metrics are a P/E of 69.6, P/B of 50.98, and P/S of 26.432, which are generally in line with the industry averages, but may be considered high by some investors.
(AAPL)Apple's revenue growth rate is 4.87%3, which is modest compared to Nvidia's, but still positive, indicating stable business performance.The company's free cash flow is substantial at $84.88 billion, reflecting its strong financial position.Apple's EPS is $1.43, showing good profitability.
Apple's valuation metrics are a P/E of 34.44, P/B of 51.82, and P/S of 8.764, which are higher than Nvidia's, reflecting its more mature market position and higher profit margins.
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
AMD has shown an 8.88% revenue growth rate, which is lower than Nvidia's but still positive.The company's free cash flow is negative at -$588.54 million, which is a red flag for its financial health.
AMD's EPS is $0.165, which is lower than Nvidia's and Apple's, but still indicates profitability.
AMD's valuation metrics are a P/E of 229.6, P/B of 4.53, and P/S of 11.336, which are significantly higher than Nvidia's and Apple's, potentially indicating overvaluation concerns.
Broadcom (AVGO)
Broadcom has a revenue growth rate of 47.27%7, which is higher than AMD's but lower than Nvidia's.The company's free cash flow is strong at $20.17 billion, supporting its financial robustness.Broadcom's EPS is -$0.47, which is negative, raising concerns about its profitability.
Broadcom's valuation metrics are a P/E of 79.49, P/B of 12.44, and P/S of 16.328, which are significantly higher than Nvidia's and Apple's, and potentially indicate overvaluation concerns.
Comparative Analysis
Nvidia shows the strongest revenue growth and free cash flow, indicating a robust business trajectory.
Apple has a more stable financial position with substantial free cash flow and a higher EPS, reflecting its dominant market position.
AMD has lower revenue growth and negative free cash flow, which may raise concerns about its financial health.
Broadcom has a high revenue growth rate, but its negative EPS and high valuation metrics suggest potential overvaluation concerns.
Based on the financial metrics and market trends, Nvidia appears to have the most potential over the next year, followed by Apple, Broadcom, and AMD.
Nvidia's strong revenue growth, free cash flow, and profitability indicators, along with its leading position in the AI and gaming markets, suggest a favorable outlook.
Apple's stable financial performance and dominant market position also point to positive future prospects.
Broadcom's high revenue growth rate is a strength, but its negative EPS and high valuation metrics warrant caution.
AMD's lower growth rates and negative free cash flow may pose challenges for its future growth.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only. Read more
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