So if youve been following me, why buy Bitcoin? There are four reasons everyone should own Bitcoin at least 5% ones net worth.
1) It is off risk. It is not correlated to any other asset class.
2) Its 100% liquid.
3) Its trading in a log/log power law channel and it has never traded outside that channel.
(as a fun excercise, hold you phone flat in your hand. look at the edge of your phone where you can barely see the chart and look parallel to the increasing chart and you will see at a steep viewing angle, a straight line or “channel” of two parallel lines.
4) over any 4 year period of its history, it has not traded lower than any point in time 4 yeara prior for ANY meaningful number of days/weeks. as a matter of fact this is true on many time frames less than 4 years.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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intellectual Sheep_2
100% correct, and you have a chance of being hacked a hacked and losing your "5%" net worth due to no protection if they steal it
1) the term is "risk-off" and lack of correlation to asset classes doesn't make it that at all 2) if it was 100% liquid the price would never go down 3) this means losses are, literally, logarithmically worse 4) it's been around 15 years. that's hardly reliable trend data
Sean McFarland
OPintellectual Sheep_2
BTC has significant risk. Look at sharpes ratio. It has one of the best risk/reward ratios. No worry. It’s a free country. Cheers
intellectual Sheep_2 : where did you get the off risk from. this is the riskiest investment one can do, buying a virtual asset backed by nothing.
WeiTheSaint469 intellectual Sheep_2 : 100% correct, and you have a chance of being hacked a hacked and losing your "5%" net worth due to no protection if they steal it
pinecone : 1) the term is "risk-off" and lack of correlation to asset classes doesn't make it that at all
2) if it was 100% liquid the price would never go down
3) this means losses are, literally, logarithmically worse
4) it's been around 15 years. that's hardly reliable trend data
Sean McFarland OP WeiTheSaint469 : My keys my wallet. No hacking possible.
Sean McFarland OP intellectual Sheep_2 : Oh my. Risk off does not mean no risk. It’s risk off related to correlation with risk of stocks and bonds.
Sean McFarland OP intellectual Sheep_2 : BTC has significant risk. Look at sharpes ratio. It has one of the best risk/reward ratios. No worry. It’s a free country. Cheers
Sean McFarland OP pinecone : Says someone with a number for a user facing id and no posts or followers. lol. Cheers
pinecone Sean McFarland OP : suuucchh a good point