Talking about quantum, how many years does it need? If quantum defense is not deployed now, do you think it will be in time? If you purchase a device without quantum defense included, you may be caught off guard if it suddenly arrives. Investment requires forward thinking, bold envisioning of the future. If it's short-term gambling, you're on your own.
玩世不恭 OP : If a device does not have quantum defense, it will need to be upgraded or reimbursed if a sudden event occurs. Currently, the USA has been under constant attacks from foreign hackers, with even the latest United Kingdom projects incorporating advanced encryption into ordinary digital meters. Therefore, the encryption Industry is currently one that needs to be at the forefront. There are more and more upcoming projects, but it will take time. Ups and downs are inevitable, with a sharp rise inevitably followed by a sharp fall, with only the fundamentals able to support it.