CA Meme Competition Finalists: Vote for the best memes in town!
Hey mooers!
Thank you all for your passion and participation in our CA Meme Competition!In just a few days we've receivedmore than 90 postsoffunny, interesting and creative memes!
Now we have our top liked finalists here!All of you will receive 150 points awards!Many thanks to your great contribution and creativity!
Now it's time to vote for the best meme in town!You cancast your vote(s)on the memes you like the mostin the comment (with the numbers before the meme)! In the end, we will announce theTop 3and award them with500, 400, and 300 points, respectively.
Ultratech : ty
102362254 : I really like memes #1, #8, #19 and would love to vote for them!
ExclusiveTrader : cool
FinanceGuru Ultratech : Wow, your meme is absolutely amazing!
FinanceGuru : 1, 13, 15
Nwwovice : Voting for Meme #1!,#2,#10!!! lol
Brooklyn Hey ExclusiveTrader : Which one you like dude??
churchbat 102362254 : as a TS fan I like 19 too
Living Stone : #3 @Bear with Me... Hey, relax... the video meme made me laugh so I will vote for that one
73279472 : i
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