Can always predict , but we don't always get it right.
The Trump factor may well be different this time.
2016 his focus was tax and deficit spending, which was good for US markets .
Take from the poor and give to the rich.
This time it is tariffs , which regardless of its effect on markets in the US , unlikely to be great for the OZ economy.
BHP is a buy , if it doesn't go down.
BHP has often been a good little earner , and it will certainly outlive us all , but plenty of extended periods when it has been a dog.
If you have been lazy , like me . and held for a few decades , at present , you are doing ok .
But , ask the question at a few other times , maybe not.
$BHP Group Ltd (BHP.AU)$
152453146 : Tariffs are another way of taking from the poor (who lose substitutes and suffer higher prices) and giving to the US manufacturers, who see their competition eliminated. Their input costs will go up as well, but those get passed on to the US consumer.