Oversea-Chinese Banking (SGX:O39) repurchased a further 375,000 in the open market on Thursday for SG$5.4 million or SG$14.34 per share, a company filing on the Singapore Exchange confirmed on the same day.
The company has so far repurchased around 3.0 million shares out of the nearly 225.0 million shares it has been authorized to buy back.
Its good one as ocbc think share price is cheap and to Reduce liquidity outside. Noticeable that OCBC price fluctuation heavily been driven by retailers
龙呈祥 : Oversea-Chinese Banking (SGX:O39) repurchased a further 375,000 in the open market on Thursday for SG$5.4 million or SG$14.34 per share, a company filing on the Singapore Exchange confirmed on the same day.
The company has so far repurchased around 3.0 million shares out of the nearly 225.0 million shares it has been authorized to buy back.
Price (SGD): S$14.46, Change: S$+0.07, Percent Change: +0.49%
Phoon1981 : Its good one as ocbc think share price is cheap and to Reduce liquidity outside. Noticeable that OCBC price fluctuation heavily been driven by retailers