OptionalOptions : Sometimes they are off on the closing price in here. Same thing happened with Tesla yesterday
NOE85FC OP OptionalOptions : my positions were closed at .06 and then it went in the money so I got robbed
NOE85FC OP OptionalOptions : and my most recent post shows Lyft under 18 at closing on Friday
OptionalOptions NOE85FC OP : Right it went down in after hours trading
NOE85FC OP OptionalOptions : but it never closed above 18
OptionalOptions : Sometimes they are off on the closing price in here. Same thing happened with Tesla yesterday
NOE85FC OP OptionalOptions : my positions were closed at .06 and then it went in the money so I got robbed
NOE85FC OP OptionalOptions : and my most recent post shows Lyft under 18 at closing on Friday
OptionalOptions NOE85FC OP : Right it went down in after hours trading
NOE85FC OP OptionalOptions : but it never closed above 18