MOTHER FUCKING WHALE : That is right. So it is not advantageous to subscribe for the preferential offering at S$1.025
xixihaha11 : What will happen if nobody takes up e rights offered?
Furore xixihaha11 : price falls further? they spend money for rights issue usually costs millions but little to zero cash inflowwaste of money, is like reporting earnings droppedthink share price will be negatively affected
MOTHER FUCKING WHALE : That is right. So it is not advantageous to subscribe for the preferential offering at S$1.025
xixihaha11 : What will happen if nobody takes up e rights offered?
Furore xixihaha11 : price falls further?
they spend money for rights issue usually costs millions but little to zero cash inflow
waste of money, is like reporting earnings dropped
think share price will be negatively affected