101693310 :
Sid Guo : Normally once every six months
Springorchidfiles Sid Guo : quarterly dividends
Sid Guo Springorchidfiles : Payment history in recent years
Star light OP : Thanks I bought quite expensive 2.17 can’t even cover my stock lost , I lost confidence in local stock
103772070 : Can consider buying now to balance your stock.
Star light OP : Full allocation
ChartTrader : you can do shorttrade on local stocks. They are very discipline, just watch the technical chart and wait for opportunity like a crocodile.
ChartTrader : These local REIT is working for their management fee not for share holders lol
KyleyW Star light OP : it will go back up. sg reits like this take few month go down, take few months go up
101693310 :
Sid Guo : Normally once every six months
Springorchidfiles Sid Guo : quarterly dividends
Sid Guo Springorchidfiles : Payment history in recent years
Star light OP : Thanks I bought quite expensive 2.17 can’t even cover my stock lost , I lost confidence in local stock
103772070 : Can consider buying now to balance your stock.
Star light OP : Full allocation
ChartTrader : you can do shorttrade on local stocks. They are very discipline, just watch the technical chart and wait for opportunity like a crocodile.
ChartTrader : These local REIT is working for their management fee not for share holders lol
KyleyW Star light OP : it will go back up. sg reits like this take few month go down, take few months go up