wafflewolfeh : Huh? it’s down 4%…
tstocks OP wafflewolfeh : just wait
wafflewolfeh tstocks OP : I waited now it’s 4.5%…
tstocks OP wafflewolfeh : beautiful double bottom. print puts now I'd say
Swami : I’m in with puts boys . Going back to 5 dollars. Fake reporting and CEOs father selling massive amounts of.
tstocks OP Swami : good luck
tstocks OP : shorts got burned today. only 5 days later lmao
wafflewolfeh : Huh? it’s down 4%…
tstocks OP wafflewolfeh : just wait
wafflewolfeh tstocks OP : I waited now it’s 4.5%…
tstocks OP wafflewolfeh : beautiful double bottom. print puts now I'd say
Swami : I’m in with puts boys . Going back to 5 dollars. Fake reporting and CEOs father selling massive amounts of.
tstocks OP Swami : good luck
tstocks OP : shorts got burned today. only 5 days later lmao