If you think more, you look at cypark and you know that it will not be acquired. Stir-fry but won't be bought. Do business or leave it to sister tina. The most common thing is to collect invoices and throw away tickets. How many companies have changed, so ceb will not be an exception. It's just that the fundamentals are no longer a factor to consider.
103459102 : wont fall he keep collect 0.37
102702979 : Those who panic sell may be feeling regretful, barring any surprises, the acquisition process will be announced this afternoon.
许愿池 102702979 : Wow, will she let go?
103459102 许愿池 : what she can do is limited when she lose so much share during margin call
许愿池 103459102 : she can buy back?
跟隨大白鯊的足跡 102702979 : If you think more, you look at cypark and you know that it will not be acquired. Stir-fry but won't be bought. Do business or leave it to sister tina. The most common thing is to collect invoices and throw away tickets. How many companies have changed, so ceb will not be an exception. It's just that the fundamentals are no longer a factor to consider.