Patience... yes, I feel about the same - but this sucker is so hard pumped - it might actually be worth the wait. -We might need a little more action than the told'ya so comments though.... The SI on this has to wake up people - along with the last days sell out
3-8 days is the average for a stock to ,"pop" when trading penny stocks. FOMO gets you occasionally and you sell at a loss 30 min before it pops to go elsewhere. It happens. It sucks watching Jag and Try comment on stocks that run. Patience....it will go. 3-8 days..... patience.
Lnova : want squeeze
Maufi Lnova : have some patience
Lnova Maufi : Okay . I averaged down to .61 now.
72534743 : Patience... yes, I feel about the same - but this sucker is so hard pumped - it might actually be worth the wait.
-We might need a little more action than the told'ya so comments though....
The SI on this has to wake up people - along with the last days sell out
Lnova 72534743 : What do you mean last days sell out?
Lnova 72534743 : I keep buying more to avg down. I haven’t given up on it yet
IDKWTFIMDOING OP : 3-8 days is the average for a stock to ,"pop" when trading penny stocks. FOMO gets you occasionally and you sell at a loss 30 min before it pops to go elsewhere. It happens.
It sucks watching Jag and Try comment on stocks that run. Patience....it will go. 3-8 days..... patience.
IDKWTFIMDOING OP : I just watched stuff in my watchlist run 300%. But I'm still holding. Patience.
Lnova IDKWTFIMDOING OP : I know I bought one share of $INVO Bioscience (INVO.US)$ at .66 lol
DDDDDDDDDDD : Awwwwww it's getting Spicy
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