Master ms : 0.57-0.51
你老味 : Target 0.8 I am more convinced
Master ms : 0.51 all in
你老味 : There is a possibility of 0.7.
DdTrump : lets consolidate few more days before visiting $2
DdTrump : yesterday touched MA5 and rebounded. today MA5 would be around 0.988
Bat Nirvana : 0.51?? Load it up ! Hope it reaches this .. I will send you MooMoo free sticker ..
The Neglect OP : this is all Im basing it on..
Master ms : 0.57-0.51
你老味 : Target 0.8 I am more convinced
Master ms : 0.51 all in
你老味 : There is a possibility of 0.7.
DdTrump : lets consolidate few more days before visiting $2
DdTrump : yesterday touched MA5 and rebounded. today MA5 would be around 0.988
Bat Nirvana : 0.51?? Load it up ! Hope it reaches this .. I will send you MooMoo free sticker ..
The Neglect OP : this is all Im basing it on..