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Chewy Stock: The Cat's Meow or Just Another Hairball?

Alright, folks, gather 'round, because it's time to talk about the wild ride that Chewy stock just took. Picture this: Chewy shares are chillin' at a steady pace when out of nowhere, meme stock superhero Keith Gill, AKA "Roaring Kitty," swoops in and reveals he's got a 6.6% stake in the company. That's like showing up to a cat convention with a suitcase full of tuna – suddenly, everyone’s excited!

The stock rockets up to $30 faster than a cat spotting an open can of food. But hold onto your scratching posts, because by noon on Monday, the stock crashes back down to $25.52, shedding 7% like a cat losing its winter fur. Meanwhile, the options market went nuts. Traders were like kids in a candy store, snapping up call options to buy Chewy at $30 by the end of the week, only to see their dreams crumble as the stock dropped.

By midday, more than 18,720 call options had changed hands, surpassing the previous interest of 11,910. It was like a feline frenzy! The $30 calls were the hottest ticket in town, trading more than 25,660 times across 12 expiration dates. Chewy ended up in the top 9 most active stock options, right behind heavyweights like NVIDIA, Tesla, Apple, and Amazon.

Analysts at William Blair chimed in with a warning: Gill’s stake might turn Chewy into a meme stock, causing the stock to go wild and disconnect from reality faster than a laser pointer on a wall. And according to the Wall Street Journal, David Bellinger from Mizuho warned that this could mean fewer serious investors and more unpredictable action – kind of like herding cats.

Nobody knows exactly when Gill bought his Chewy shares, but the trading action has been heating up since last week. On June 24, trading volume hit a record 157.2 million, triple the previous day's volume. Call options volume also soared to 238,620 – the highest all year. But after the dust settled, technical indicators were all over the place, like cats in a room full of laser pointers: some said the stock was overbought, some were neutral, and one lone indicator was bullish.

Chewy saw an inflow of $61.3 million so far Monday, after two monthly inflows through June 30. Now, I gotta ask: does Keith Gill’s big bet make you want to jump in or run away? Share your thoughts below, and remember, investing in meme stocks can be as unpredictable as a cat's mood.

Disclaimer: This is all for laughs and education, not investment advice. Investing is risky, and stocks can drop like a cat knocking things off a shelf. Consult your financial advisor before making any decisions.
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