trading the day : which means China economy is a disaster and will take years to recover. Meanwhile, the government is doing nothing to stimulate the economy and people are spending less. Good job China
Steven J : China will need stimulate, you wait and see.
trading the day Steven J : china been calling stimulus for months yet nothing has been done
Steven J : They are stretching it. Anytime now
KongWeePeh trading the day : Equality market not huge in China. Only worth 4 trlllion compare to their GDP size. US is 90 trillions.
Tua Pui Kia : print more money and wait for it
trading the day : which means China economy is a disaster and will take years to recover. Meanwhile, the government is doing nothing to stimulate the economy and people are spending less. Good job China
Steven J : China will need stimulate, you wait and see.
trading the day Steven J : china been calling stimulus for months yet nothing has been done
Steven J : They are stretching it. Anytime now
KongWeePeh trading the day : Equality market not huge in China. Only worth 4 trlllion compare to their GDP size. US is 90 trillions.
Tua Pui Kia : print more money and wait for it