102319027 : deflation with price wars equate to thin margins. Baba is going to miss estimates for sure. moolah is easy to make
Btan : 10927 - disappears when Baba turns green. Most likely trading options pre-market. Haha
ee071002 Btan : Haha. I think most of us knew his style. So just let him be. How he shout also useless. No one will follow him.
102319027 : deflation with price wars equate to thin margins. Baba is going to miss estimates for sure. moolah is easy to make
Btan : 10927 - disappears when Baba turns green. Most likely trading options pre-market. Haha
ee071002 Btan : Haha. I think most of us knew his style. So just let him be. How he shout also useless. No one will follow him.