Have you been storing your points for long? With so much opportunity to earn points. its time to grab your Christmas Gifts 🎁 early.
If your wondering which gives the best value, fret not. Best value ranked 1.$Super Micro Computer (SMCI.US)$2.$Tesla (TSLA.US)$3.using current traded stock price. Not accounting for future price values.
I’ve redeemed mine early and so Happy to have received it while I was on holiday ⛄️.
As there are 32 pieces in a standard chess set, 16 on each side, I’m around 20% completion. Still missing 80%
PAUL BIN ANTHONY : very hopeful for new life come true
doctorpot1 : bro, if you scroll right got $Super Micro Computer (SMCI.US)$ shares also. SMCI share is currently number 1 if ranks by $ per points.
the server Market Mingle and Promo Picks got pin a Google doc that helps to update which stocks is the best value for points
CasualInvestor OP doctorpot1 : Thanks didn’t consider SMCI initially. Updated.