Approximately a metaphor of 0.050.Stick with the team. Don't go without the team leader. The market is very volatile now. It's very dangerous.
However, this stock is very popular and the business is also very good.He has risen too much, there is a lot of downside. You should be bullish. If it drops, just set 3% for yourself and run.
james323 : Wait for him to get up before entering.
baibaibai OP james323 : means?
james323 baibaibai OP : You only buy it when the price starts at 50 sen, if it doesn't start, you won't buy it.
baibaibai OP james323 : ?? 50 cent
james323 : Approximately a metaphor of 0.050.Stick with the team. Don't go without the team leader. The market is very volatile now. It's very dangerous.
james323 baibaibai OP : However, this stock is very popular and the business is also very good.He has risen too much, there is a lot of downside. You should be bullish. If it drops, just set 3% for yourself and run.
james323 : Did it break?Going to take the slide.