My chat group recommended it in early July. We bought around 1.20 and sold two days later at a profit. And then never revisited it. So technically, I was not "scammed". So if you just bought it recently, you will realise how "behind" you are in the action. Of course, I also admit I never know which part of the action I am in. You only wish you are NEVER on the last boat to nowhere or last boat to Bermuda Triangle.
Super Star
Yes, I have been there before. Promises of gold, silver, platinum is more appealing than rational thinking. Even I can be trapped again even having experienced it.
Super Star : I sold it a few days ago and earned double
102262578 : IIt's a scam stock, steer clear.
Super Star : Laozi posted them all along the way. Real money and silver were imported into the bag. Who is rare can you believe it or not
Lemon76 Super Star : It's safe to fall into the bag, just earn it
Bizon : Guys please help me. Please guide me on how to recover from 8017 scam!!
AssetEagle : My chat group recommended it in early July. We bought around 1.20 and sold two days later at a profit. And then never revisited it. So technically, I was not "scammed". So if you just bought it recently, you will realise how "behind" you are in the action. Of course, I also admit I never know which part of the action I am in. You only wish you are NEVER on the last boat to nowhere or last boat to Bermuda Triangle.
AssetEagle Super Star : Yes, I have been there before. Promises of gold, silver, platinum is more appealing than rational thinking. Even I can be trapped again even having experienced it.
5150 : I got scammed. Loss all my savings
2345678901 AssetEagle : Could you let me know the chat group, please?
104487156 :
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