Jolly he : Buy
我们这里还有鱼 : buy
RazrBlitz : Buy for long term. Not a overnight get Rich stock
Comebacking : 5 more years it’ll be over 100!
Justice Bao : hold not the time to buy
105251507 : coca cola got boycott bro..same like Starbuck..if u buy now u will have to wait like 5 years++ to gain some
Jolly he : Buy
我们这里还有鱼 : buy
RazrBlitz : Buy for long term. Not a overnight get Rich stock
Comebacking : 5 more years it’ll be over 100!
Justice Bao : hold not the time to buy
105251507 : coca cola got boycott bro..same like Starbuck..if u buy now u will have to wait like 5 years++ to gain some