Thelord : You still have any other active China positions?
Tristanlau : how many quantity did you bought?
廡所事事的人 : I tot you sold at 102?
Btan OP : No other positions. I just go in everyday to buy and sell 1,000 lots. The price gyrations help a lot
Thelord Btan OP : You damn nimble
Btan OP Thelord : Thanks to the high volatility in the market. I just do simple fishing
Thelord : You still have any other active China positions?
Tristanlau : how many quantity did you bought?
廡所事事的人 : I tot you sold at 102?
Btan OP : No other positions. I just go in everyday to buy and sell 1,000 lots. The price gyrations help a lot
Thelord Btan OP : You damn nimble
Btan OP Thelord : Thanks to the high volatility in the market. I just do simple fishing