1. Rich/Cheap Trade:Concept:
This strategy exploits the discrepancies between the market yield and the theoretical yield of bonds.
Execution: The strategy is to buy when the instrument is considered "cheap" and sell when "rich," based on the Rich/Cheap spread defined as S=YMarket−YTheory
Z-score is used to determine the level of richness or cheapness.
2. Bond/Swap Trade:This strategy capitalizes on the yield spread differences between bonds and swaps.
Execution: It involves taking offsetting positions in bonds and interest rate swaps, typically when the spread is at an extreme value.
Example: Shorting a 5-year swap against a long position in a Spanish government bond (SPGB) was suggested based on spread analysis
3.Curvature Trade:
Based on changes in the yield curve's curvature, primarily the twist movements.Execution: It uses a two-factor model that explains yield curve movements with a level and a twist factor.
4. Spread Trade:
Exploits discrepancies between the yield spreads of different bond instruments or sectors, such as corporate bonds versus government bonds.Execution: This is more risky compared to other strategies but offers higher profit potential, especially in non-dollar bond/swap market
5. Generic Convergence Trading Strategy:
A statistical arbitrage strategy that involves constructing a linear combination of instruments with minimal market exposure.Execution: The trade is executed based on a convergence of price patterns of highly correlated instruments, minimizing variance and focusing on noise in price signals.
6. Box Trade:A complex arbitrage strategy that involves creating synthetic long and short positions using a combination of options or futures.Execution: This requires careful hedging and the execution of multiple trades simultaneously, often used when pricing discrepancies exist between related instruments
7. OAT Floater Trade:This strategy deals with French government bonds (OATs) and floating rate notes that are indexed to the 10-year constant maturity yield index.Execution:
The trade involves constructing a portfolio of OAT floaters with minimal exposure to level shifts and significant exposure to curve twists. The trade is executed based on observed price extremes of the floaters