72951563 : You think this is really it this time? Definitely heading up?
Bulldozer OP : tbh with you no, but the earnings will be really good, so will see
72951563 Bulldozer OP : Haha. Man I love you honesty. Thank you
Bulldozer OP 72951563 : going up imo makes more sense than going down, I'm really hoping this dip was for the rip over 4... if we get to 2.75 this flies thanks to all the warrants we get to collect.
alpha68 72951563 : Earn the profit you expect, let's go sooner
72951563 : You think this is really it this time? Definitely heading up?
Bulldozer OP : tbh with you no, but the earnings will be really good, so will see
72951563 Bulldozer OP : Haha. Man I love you honesty. Thank you
Bulldozer OP 72951563 : going up imo makes more sense than going down, I'm really hoping this dip was for the rip over 4... if we get to 2.75 this flies thanks to all the warrants we get to collect.
alpha68 72951563 : Earn the profit you expect, let's go sooner