$Coursera (COUR.US)$ if you came off the Tesla trade and you...
$Coursera (COUR.US)$if you came off the Tesla trade and you got some coin in your pocket and you're looking to roll the dice I think this has a very good risk reward.
November 15th is the closest option contract and a $9 strike is about .35 in the spread.
way the stock's been trading is it opens up 10:15 and within about a half an hour it's even on the day or even slightly down a penny or two pennies
you can use that information or not it's your call obviously the open today is very strong after the Bell is earnings if you look at last quarter it was a huge gap up to 11 if we get a repeat along that line the 35 cent calls will be about $2.50
if they suck and the stock falls to say $6 you'll still be able to recoup probably about 15 cents because of the time value left on the option
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