yeah nothing is guaranteed but I wouldn't say the R/R was compelling when it was 300 especially when the news were coming out describing how severe it was.
sure if you bought near 280 that's approaching some of the previous hard supports that the price action has seen in the last several months sure 280 you buy it and then it dips a little and rebounds back to 300 after flirting with the long moving average supports now that's a better trade imo.
I'm not trying to be a wet blanket congrats on your gains but this is all in hindsight. maybe you only bought a few shares in total so the potential risk is small sure i can buy that.
but I've seen way too many instances on wallstreetsbets and reddit where people overtrade and size their trades too large and they end up blowing their accounts by buying the dips but the reversal never comes. it's way more common than i expected how many people end up losing way too much because they couldn't admit they were wrong initially and instead of stop-lossing they end up multiplying their losses
CooperTan OP : The power of DCA and FIFO
18292236 : Nice
MomentumPython1337 : lol imagine the stock never actually rebounded
CooperTan OP MomentumPython1337 : Nothing is guaranteed pal, but the R&R over here seems promising
MomentumPython1337 : yeah nothing is guaranteed but I wouldn't say the R/R was compelling when it was 300 especially when the news were coming out describing how severe it was.
sure if you bought near 280 that's approaching some of the previous hard supports that the price action has seen in the last several months sure 280 you buy it and then it dips a little and rebounds back to 300 after flirting with the long moving average supports now that's a better trade imo.
I'm not trying to be a wet blanket congrats on your gains but this is all in hindsight. maybe you only bought a few shares in total so the potential risk is small sure i can buy that.
but I've seen way too many instances on wallstreetsbets and reddit where people overtrade and size their trades too large and they end up blowing their accounts by buying the dips but the reversal never comes. it's way more common than i expected how many people end up losing way too much because they couldn't admit they were wrong initially and instead of stop-lossing they end up multiplying their losses
rational Duck_7524 : power of using AI tool to trade automatically. smart