i would not invest in this company if i were told it would 10×.
Any company that refuses to do its core job duty deserves to go bankrupt (i.e. failing &/or refusing to report the truth through their security & instead using fake biased informants &/or outright false &/or politically biased information & #MisInformation).
If anything i would short the hell out of this if i had the opportunity.
This company brings shame on Texas for being the DemocRATS' minions; spreading false info.
Disclaimer: Community is offered by Moomoo Technologies Inc. and is for educational purposes only.
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thanks for your opinion. worth taking a nice long look. future growth may be possible, but sketchy not being up front about your core values and what truly drives your business. idk. only time will tell.
Claudius3 : thanks for your opinion. worth taking a nice long look. future growth may be possible, but sketchy not being up front about your core values and what truly drives your business. idk. only time will tell.