JOHNWAYNE : Sounds like something a short would say
70726270 OP JOHNWAYNE : I'm not short.
102218527 JOHNWAYNE : High % will rs, I forced to cut lost as well, sigh. The boss too cocky
JOHNWAYNE : them rs seam to be a thing with alot of these stocks now days
Gman511 : Hahahahaha
102218527 JOHNWAYNE : Even pegy rs as well, lesson learned lol
Shannon Jackson Gman511 : vvvvvvgbghvbv b bnnbbbbbbbvvbmm,
70726270 OP Shannon Jackson : So, are you still in it? Or are you out?
JOHNWAYNE : Sounds like something a short would say
70726270 OP JOHNWAYNE : I'm not short.
102218527 JOHNWAYNE : High % will rs, I forced to cut lost as well, sigh. The boss too cocky
JOHNWAYNE : them rs seam to be a thing with alot of these stocks now days
Gman511 : Hahahahaha
102218527 JOHNWAYNE : Even pegy rs as well, lesson learned lol
Shannon Jackson Gman511 : vvvvvvgbghvbv b bnnbbbbbbbvvbmm,
70726270 OP Shannon Jackson : So, are you still in it? Or are you out?