$Crown Electrokinetics (CRKN.US)$ I seriously can't get over how people think every single day this thing is going to pop bc someone said it would, then have them dip out bc it didn't. it's the stock market, and no one can predict when things are going to go up or down, we are just hopeful.. the key is to buy in and just freakin chill bc it will def have its day one day. The only time people should be all freaked out is when they're running options bc that's based off a certain time frame. so yeah, everyone just buy in and be patient. In this day in age, everyone expects everything to happen so quickly bc technology has spoiled us with that mentality. So everyone just take a Xanax and just calm down, sit back, and wait for that glorious day. ok that's all I had to say.. peace fellas
Gman511 : Load & hold!!!
QueenB 76 : sure am glad I had hope for gwav
Cammin423 OP QueenB 76 : yeah exactly.. and im sure it's paying off for you right now bc it's def climbing
Sir Wildman : Warren buffet said “If you aren't willing to own a stock for 10 years, don't even think about owning it for 10 minutes.” now I'm not waiting 10 years for this one but dang I will hold to get a profit so I can invest in some blue chips
Cammin423 OP Sir Wildman : haha, yeah, 10 years would be a little too long for me too but I do get what he means. if people don't learn patience, money will never be earned for them bc who really knows when the best time to "get in" is