70726270 : What happened at the meeting. Rumor is it was cancelled?
CornpopBadDude OP : that's good. fuck meetings!!!
CY1234 70726270 : Where did the news come from?
70726270 : This is what I saw over on Stocktwits, but also heard from several other places. I was busy so could not make the meeting.
70726270 70726270 : Sorry, didn't show the picture. I'm only telling you as rumor, because I don't know myself.
70726270 : What happened at the meeting. Rumor is it was cancelled?
CornpopBadDude OP : that's good. fuck meetings!!!
CY1234 70726270 : Where did the news come from?
70726270 : This is what I saw over on Stocktwits, but also heard from several other places. I was busy so could not make the meeting.
70726270 70726270 : Sorry, didn't show the picture. I'm only telling you as rumor, because I don't know myself.