105335193 : Opening price is 0.245, possibly calculated like this, banks are priced at 0.200.
木木祝木木木木 OP 105335193 : No, it's incorrect. It will display correctly in a moment. This will scare away many people.
WaListreet 木木祝木木木木 OP : it's market manipulation... nothing to do with moomoo I believe.
木木祝木木木木 OP : It's 9.50am now, everything is back to normal, but many people have already been scared away.
Moomoo Lily : Mooer, hello, we are very sorry for any inconvenience caused to you! We would like to understand this issue better and help resolve it. Please provide relevant screenshots, we will further verify the specific situation, thank you.
105335193 : Opening price is 0.245, possibly calculated like this, banks are priced at 0.200.
木木祝木木木木 OP 105335193 : No, it's incorrect.
It will display correctly in a moment.
This will scare away many people.
WaListreet 木木祝木木木木 OP : it's market manipulation... nothing to do with moomoo I believe.
木木祝木木木木 OP : It's 9.50am now, everything is back to normal, but many people have already been scared away.
Moomoo Lily : Mooer, hello, we are very sorry for any inconvenience caused to you! We would like to understand this issue better and help resolve it. Please provide relevant screenshots, we will further verify the specific situation, thank you.