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CPI inflation rate slides to 3% in June: Will it ease Fed's fears?
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CSOP ETFs Weekly Performance Recap- 20231013

Last week, $CSOP LOW CARBON US$ (LCU.SG)$  (+1.52% in USD), $CSOP SEA TECH ETF(USD) (SQU.SG)$ (+1.17% in USD) and $CSOP STAR&CHINEXT50 SGD (SCY.SG)$ (+1.13% in SGD) all gained as Federal Reserve officials issued dovish statements on interest rates.
LCU's gains were primarily driven by Japan and China. Among individual firms, the notable gains were observed in Samsung Electronics and TSMC. Samsung Electronics recorded significant growth as its quarterly profit nearly tripled from the previous quarter, indicating signs of stabilization in the chip market. Meanwhile, TSMC witnessed a rise in its stock price driven by heightened demand from its six major customers, fueled by a media report indicating an expected increase of approximately 6% in the proportion of AI orders for 2024 compared to the current year, reaching a historic high.
SQQ/SQU’s gains were primarily led by Sea Ltd and Delta Electronics. Sea Ltd gained as its e-commerce arm, Shopee, has shown significant progress in Brazil, advancing from 5th place in 2022 to 2nd place in the latest survey. Meanwhile, Delta Electronics rose as KGI Securities analyst’s recommendation upgrade to outperform from neutral. 
SCY’s gains were largely attributable to gains in Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products following its announcement of an exclusive strategic vaccine partnership with GSK that will extend the availability of GSK’s shingles vaccine Shingrix in China and support possible future co-development and commercialization of GSK’s RSV vaccine Arexvy in China.  
CSOP ETFs Weekly Performance Recap- 20231013
Source: Bloomberg, as of 20231013.
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