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CSOP ETFs Weekly Performance Recap-20240805

Last week, SQU (+0.39% in USD), SRT (+3.30% in SGD) and $CSOP DIV ETF S$ (SHD.SG)$ (+0.20% in SGD) gained, while LCU (-2.75% in USD) and $CSOP STAR&CHINEXT50 SGD (SCY.SG)$ (-1.04% in SGD) fell.
In $CSOP LOW CARBON US$ (LCU.SG)$, $Toyota Motor (7203.JP)$ fell as its quarterly earnings missed analysts’ forecasts where operating profit was 1.31 trillion yen (vs 1.32 trillion yen est).
$CSOP SEA TECH ETF(USD) (SQU.SG)$ rise was led by Delta Electronics, Astra International and Venture Corp. Astra rose after Macquarie reported that its performance slightly exceeded expectations due to growth in financial services and a steady auto net margin. Astra's 1H24 revenue was 52% of consensus estimates. Astra expects strong performance to continue into 2H24.
$CSOP S-REITs INDEX ETF (SRT.SG)$ gains were due to industrial, data center and retail subsectors. By individual REITs, gains were from KDCREIT, CICT and CLAR. CLAR rose following an additional S$12.3 million allocation to partly finance renovation. Its H124 DPU met 50% of consensus’ yearly forecast and Q224 saw 12% reversion. Management raised annual guidance to high single-digit.
CSOP ETFs Weekly Performance Recap-20240805
Source: Bloomberg, as of 20240802. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
Source: Bloomberg, as of 20240802. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.
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