browny_440 OP : don't trust the real bots moo moo is full of them
你妈妈 browny_440 OP : Why?
Michael J307 : Dream on.
Michael J307 : It seems like their forklifts are not very high-end. But their Market Cap is so low? They recently raised tens of millions of dollars in Stocks financing. Market Cap is less than two million? I wonder what will happen next week.
browny_440 OP : don't trust the real bots moo moo is full of them
你妈妈 browny_440 OP : Why?
Michael J307 : Dream on.
Michael J307 : It seems like their forklifts are not very high-end. But their Market Cap is so low? They recently raised tens of millions of dollars in Stocks financing. Market Cap is less than two million? I wonder what will happen next week.