browny_440 : could be alot
Riding Star : 2
browny_440 : depends on how strong retail are feeling today hold through the day and could see a 300%
browny_440 : decent volume on pre open 350k at a price of $1 that's retail and they ain't selling for less than 100% gains
browny_440 : eyes on the spread that is how they can make money and acquire shares on the dark pools keep your bets outside of the top showing prices
browny_440 : if you keep you bet outside of the top prices the algorithm will move to you
TheOracleOfBroMaha : Trailing Stop where today…?
browny_440 TheOracleOfBroMaha : no stop needed today watch
browny_440 : anything can happen on open let's hope for that massive 500% gains
Perspective trades : I think it will happen can you please explain darkpools further?
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browny_440 : could be alot
Riding Star : 2
browny_440 : depends on how strong retail are feeling today hold through the day and could see a 300%
browny_440 : decent volume on pre open 350k at a price of $1 that's retail and they ain't selling for less than 100% gains
browny_440 : eyes on the spread that is how they can make money and acquire shares on the dark pools keep your bets outside of the top showing prices
browny_440 : if you keep you bet outside of the top prices the algorithm will move to you
TheOracleOfBroMaha : Trailing Stop where today…?
browny_440 TheOracleOfBroMaha : no stop needed today watch
browny_440 : anything can happen on open let's hope for that massive 500% gains
Perspective trades : I think it will happen can you please explain darkpools further?
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