Stephen8 OP :
Ping5858 : When
Stephen8 OP Ping5858 : soon!
102351085 : Impossible.
Adam_Flannery 102351085 : Why?
Stephen8 OP Adam_Flannery : Because I'm a rich man and this is what I say
Adam_Flannery Stephen8 OP : I’m bullish on this, I’m asking why someone said it’s impossible
Stephen8 OP :
Ping5858 : When
Stephen8 OP Ping5858 : soon!
102351085 : Impossible.
Adam_Flannery 102351085 : Why?
Stephen8 OP Adam_Flannery : Because I'm a rich man and this is what I say
Adam_Flannery Stephen8 OP : I’m bullish on this, I’m asking why someone said it’s impossible