一买就爆 : never to late
踏浪行者 一买就爆 : There's no highest, no lowest
72463165 : i think can be lower
clevertrader87 : nope
clevertrader87 一买就爆 : you said it Right!
SevenTee : It’s only going higher from here, quantum computing is the future
Mafiosa818 : buy
2xTrader : it will fly but it just the beginning
一买就爆 : never to late
踏浪行者 一买就爆 : There's no highest, no lowest
72463165 : i think can be lower
clevertrader87 : nope
clevertrader87 一买就爆 :
you said it Right!
SevenTee : It’s only going higher from here, quantum computing is the future
Mafiosa818 : buy
2xTrader : it will fly but it just the beginning