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$D-Wave Quantum (QBTS.US)$ kids let me tell you how this wil...

$D-Wave Quantum (QBTS.US)$ kids let me tell you how this will work . they PUMPED you got HYPED and bought high . NOW the pull the rug under your feet and they are covering the short possitions and buying for bounce of the sell off day . so in 1-2-3 days this will jump back up 30-50% from this levels . JUST my 2 cents , you do what you want
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  • yws : hhhhh u see now 4.6

  • J C investments OP : I see but i made my money shorting and now i an not afraid to get long at 50-% OFF

  • 10baggerbamm yws : I think you're spot on it could even go lower severe damage has been done to this entire sector this is the first time that they have sold off to this degree on this amount of volume because of somebody with credibility Jensen making the statement that he did.
    this is not me saying they're overvalued they're a bubble this is not some bobblehead on TV saying these companies have no revenue they're up a thousand percent they're going to fall this is Jensen.

  • J C investments OP 10baggerbamm : Very good and true

  • Flowerhill : For long term investors, it doesn't matter.....I think many of us have been in before under 5 anyway...

  • 10baggerbamm Flowerhill : nature I've done this crap since the 1980s I've got many a zero big companies on a couple of my brokerage statements over the years and early on not knowing any better looking through Rose colored glasses saying everything will be okay it'll come back many of times resulted in companies going to zero and sadly once that stock's on your account statement and you can't sell it you're looking at it forever so even when you transfer from one brokerage firm to another that zero bid follows with you
    I'm not saying this company is going to go to zero but I just look where they came from where they started out.. most of the companies that were smart when the stock spiked they raised Capital they sold stock so at least they have a cash infusion in their treasury now that manage correctly can help them for years and years and years of sustained business operations. had this not have happened I think it's highly possible and probable that in the future most would fail and that's because there's plenty of private companies that are involved in quantum design research and at some point in time those are going to go public and they're probably going to be the ultimate winners at the end of the day that's at least what happened with the coms very few of the original ones became the winners it was the ones that were private that ultimately went public after the fact that turned out to be the big winners excluding Amazon obviously
